Church Ministries

Preaching & Teaching

At Lighthouse Baptist Church, our pastors preach the Bible using the expository method. In expository preaching the preacher takes a passage of Scripture, tells you what it means, and applies it to everyday life.  Because understanding and accurately applying the Word of God is essential to a believer’s growth and maturity, and is essential for an unbeliever to come to faith in Christ, our pastors focus on presenting God’s Word in a clear understandable way. Since all Scripture is profitable for believers, we regularly enjoy verse-by-verse preaching through whole books of the Bible, so that the believer can have the training necessary to live a God-glorifying Christian life.

Visit our Sermon Audio account for our sermon archive & livestream.


We acknowledge that we are completely dependent upon the enabling grace and power of God to do any good. Therefore, individual and corporate prayer is essential. It is also a joyful necessity. Adoring and thanking our Lord is as important as making petitions and intercessions. The church emphasizes prayer throughout our Sunday services, gathers for a prayer meeting every Wednesday, and sends out a weekly prayer sheet. This sheet records praises and requests from our members and missionaries, as well as organized prayer for our persecuted brothers and sisters and our government leaders.

Spiritual Growth & Service

Lighthouse affirms that every believer is also a disciple of Jesus Christ. We strive to help one another become spiritually mature Christians – filled with the fear and wisdom of God, discerning, fruitful, and reflecting the glory of God. The elders seek to equip each saint for the work of ministry God has called them to, each person using their unique gifting(s) for the good of all God’s people, especially those at Lighthouse.

Men & Women

Lighthouse affirms that God has created men and women equal in value but distinct in certain roles and responsibilities. We aim to help equip men and women to carry out their callings in a God honouring way while pursuing greater conformity to the likeness of Jesus Christ. Bible studies for men and women regularly gather. Christians are encouraged to build mentoring relationships with one another. There are various discipleship booklets that help cultivate this.

Children & Youth

Lighthouse aims to come alongside Christian parents to help them evangelize and disciple their children, equipping the parents to fulfill their discipling responsibilities in the home. We also aim to directly minister to children through age appropriate teachings and special events and camps. The church does not hold Sunday School during the service but encourages families to worship together. There is a room with live stream available for parents who are training their children to sit through a church service.

Addicted & Sin-Enslaved

Every Friday evening at 7 pm we hold “Freedom That Lasts” meetings. “Freedom That Lasts is a Christ-centered, Bible-based, local-church-focused discipleship ministry to those who are enslaved in life-dominating sins or overcome by hurtful events of life.” Find out more about this ministry at

Elders & Deacons

Those who may be called to hold to an office of the church are given specific opportunities for training and service in accordance with the qualifications and responsibilities of the offices. The leadership of Lighthouse seek to be intentional in the equipping of men God calls to serve as an elder/pastor or deacon.


Lighthouse supports several missionaries serving across Edmonton, across Canada, and across the world. Regular updates and times of prayer are made on behalf of our missionaries. Earnest prayer is also made to the Lord of the harvest to send out more laborers into His harvest.

Music Ministry

We aim to use music to offer God reverent worship. We sing both traditional and modern hymns reflecting sound doctrine. The whole congregation is encouraged to sing.