Meeting at Maranatha Christian Reformed Church Located at 11905 - 47 street Edmonton (All other services meet at Lighthouse's regular location)
Meeting at Maranatha Christian Reformed Church Located at 11905 - 47 street Edmonton (All other services meet at Lighthouse's regular location)
Come support and celebrate with our 2017 high school graduates! Enjoy a potluck style meal and fellowship at LBC at 6:30pm. Meat is provided, bring a dish to share =) Volunteers are needed for set up at 5:30pm
Meeting at Maranatha Christian Reformed Church Located at 11905 - 47 street Edmonton (All other services meet at Lighthouse's regular location)
Meeting at Maranatha Christian Reformed Church Located at 11905 - 47 street Edmonton (All other services meet at Lighthouse's regular location)
The last Wednesday night of each month, you have the opportunity to hear Pastor Bud answer theological or faith based questions. Questions must be submitted to Pastor Bud in advance.
Meeting at Maranatha Christian Reformed Church Located at 11905 - 47 street Edmonton (All other services meet at Lighthouse's regular location)